OSMINE Consulting Service
If you are contemplating selling Network Elements to RBOCs, we can assist you in every step of the Telcordia Technologies OSMINE certification program with the NE Vendor side of the following activities:
- CLEI code application & maintenance
- TIRKS function coding and OSIA consulting
- NEIR documentation preparation & presentation
- NMA characterization and system testing
- TEMS integration
- GFDS negotiation
We specialize in SONET, DWDM, CWDM, R-OADM and PON equipment. Services include:
- Pre-OSMINE review of hardware & TL1 interfaces
- Contract negotiation
- Requirements, scope, architecture & documentation
- Pre-test and system test
- Post-OSMINE carrier operationalization
Service engagements range from a few days to ongoing, depending on your in-house capabilities.
We have saved our clients over $4.2M in unnecessary costs
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